Software for boosting accounts and getting cases in CS2.
65 posts
English articles
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Possible errors and their solutions

In this article we will tell you how to solve possible panel errors while using it.

Optimizing PC for CS2

In this article we will tell you how to optimize your PC as much as possible to prevent game crashes and black screens during account boosting.

AutoFarm Lite - step-by-step instructions with a detailed description of the functions

This article was created to quickly launch the AutoFarm Lite software. With careful reading and following the described actions, you will be able to start boosting accounts, farming cases, or both in the shortest possible time.

AutoFarm Full - step-by-step instructions with a detailed description of the functions

This article was created to quickly launch the AutoFarm Full software. With careful reading and following the described actions, you will be able to start boosting accounts, farming cases, or both in the shortest possible time.

All about TEDONSTORE software - all information and answers to all questions

Useful instructions and descriptions of our software, as well as articles with useful information for the correct use of our software.

How to find your game in matchmaking or wingmans

This article and TEDONSTORE software do not guarantee 100% finding of your game between your accounts, but it will definitely increase the chances of finding them.

Optimizing your computer for more account opening

In this article, we will look at useful programs for optimizing your computer, as well as tell you how to configure them.


This article was created to help users find a quick answer to a question that has already been asked to us by other users.