English articles
July 21, 2023

Optimizing your computer for more account opening

In this article, we will look at useful programs for optimizing your computer, as well as tell you how to configure them.

This article will help many boosters and farmers to run a large number of accounts on their computer.

Enjoy reading!

Article navigation

  1. Program to reduce the load on the processor
  2. Program to reduce the consumption of RAM
  3. Setting up virtual memory on a computer

Program to reduce the load on the processor

This program is not a virus, the principle of its operation is very simple - it "slows down" certain programs that the user chooses.

The name of this program is BES. You can download it here:

Instructions for use

1. Run this program as Administrator when 1 window with CS:GO is already running.

2. Click on the "Target" button.

3. Click on the "Name" button on the top and look for a process called "csgo.exe".

4. Click on this process and click on the "Foe" button.

5. On the right, click on the "Limit / Watch" button and then on the "Yes" button.

6. Set the percentage of freezing the process, this will reduce the load on the processor. We recommend betting up to 40%, otherwise everything will work for a very long time.

7. Done.

Program to reduce the consumption of RAM

This program is also not a virus, but according to some user reviews, this program lowers the performance of RAM, so use it at your own risk.

The name of this program is MemReduct. You can download it here:

Instructions for use

1. Run this program as Administrator.

2. Go to File > Preferences > Memory Cleanup.

3. Make the same settings as in the photo below:

4. Done, you can minimize this program.

Setting up virtual memory on a computer

For this setting, you do not need to download anything, because everything can be done through the settings of your computer!


1. Go to computer properties:

2. Go to the "Advanced system settings" section:

3. Next, in the "Performance" section, click on the "Settings" button:

4. Next, go to the "Advanced" section:

5. In the "Virtual memory" section, click on the "Change" button:

6. Next, uncheck "Automatically manage paging file size for all drivers" and put a circle in "Custom size":

7. Next, in the "Initial size" and "Maximum size" write the same value. Here you need to think about how many accounts you want to boost or farm. One account requires 2 GB, so if you want to use 20 accounts at the same time, then write 40000. Why 40000? Because 1 GB = 1000 MB and 20 accounts need 40 GB, which is 40,000 MB.

8. Done


Thank you for reading this article. We hope that it was useful for you and you will be able to launch more accounts.